EDL5000-FM COD. EDL5000-FM Puissance: 5.000W 5kW Dummy Load. Forced Air Cooled. FEATURESDummy Load suitable up to 5000W.Forced Air Cooled.19” Rack mounting.EDL5000-FMParameter U.M.ValueNotesGENERALSMax power rating W5000 Frequency range MHzDC ÷ 108 Return loss dB> 27 POWER REQUIREMENTS AC Power inputAC Supply Voltage 230 VAC ±15% single-phase Connector VDE MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSPhisical dimensionsL x H x Wmm / inch483 /19EIA rack mm / inch177 / 74HEWeight kgAbout 20 Cooling Automatically forced air-cooled AUDIO INPUTS RF InputImpedanceΩ50 Connector EIA 7/8” The image of this layout is purely demonstrative and may change without notice.